
Workplace Mediation and Facilitation
All participants in mediation start out meeting separately, usually remotely on Zoom, and only meet together if requested. Sometimes it is not necessary for participants to meet together, and other times joint or group sessions are profoundly creative opportunities to practice communication agreements and work toward desired outcomes.
Mediation is based on consent, acknowledgment of power dynamics involved, and honoring the gut-brain connection. Participants may take breaks, are encouraged to enforce boundaries, and are given opportunities to be accountable for creating the results they want.
Through the mediation process workplaces typically:
Evaluate systems that may contribute to confusion around boundaries and expectations.
Assess social power dynamics that may contribute to workplace conflict.
Engage in post-conflict growth and productive accountability.
When I first began mediation, I felt hurt and worried that I might lose a leader I respected from the organization. Meredith was terrific in her ability to make me -- and I assume the other person involved -- feel safe and supported while bringing us toward a greater understanding of each other.
The outcome was beyond imaginable. I left the mediation session excited to move forward in partnership with my valued staff member and with a far deeper and more nuanced understanding of how to support BIPOC staff. I feel like I have a new lease on life and many more tools in my management toolbox. I can not sing Meredith's praises loudly enough. She is worth her weight in gold. It was money well spent!
- Kim Callinan, President & CEO of Compassion & Choices.
Before hiring Meredith I received a complaint from an employee that another employee had sexually harassed him. I wanted to take care of my employees and customers, and I was afraid I would do or say something that would make things worse. I was afraid I would have to fire someone. Even though I felt compassion for the employee who complained, the accused employee denied the allegations and I was not sure who to believe.
After working with Meredith, both employees made big shifts. We implemented policies to keep our workplace safe. After a few weeks of work, both employees apologized to each other for their part in a complicated situation, and they agreed they could continue to work together professionally and safely.
- Business Owner
Toxic Workplace Services
Are you concerned about a toxic work environment? Empowered Communication™ services help individuals and teams build safer, more inclusive, more equitable work environments using these three pillars:
Boundaries. Establish nuanced, individualized, and effective strategies for building allies and enforcing boundaries to create a safe work environment.
Reprogramming Hegemony. Develop awareness of social and cultural power dynamics to correct oppressive power dynamics and build inclusive and equitable workplace culture.
Accountability. Create safe containers to take responsibility for what is in our control, and release what is outside of our control, in order to cultivate healthy accountability and accomplish shared goals.
Participants engage with this content at a foundational, applied, leadership, or coaching level.
This can be done individually or as a group. Empowered Communication™ services include coaching, consulting, and may include legal advice (subject to some restrictions, including that legal advice may not be provided in most group settings). Email for more information.

I have been training and working in the STEM field for over 20 years, in both academia and industry. I came to Meredith at a point when I felt I was being unfairly penalized and discriminated against in my job because of my gender.
I think it is fair to say that most women accumulate years of both personal and professional experiences of sexual harassment and misogyny. It can feel hopeless and powerless.
The IMPACT process and coaching are a part of the healing process from experiencing job discrimination. Meredith is helping me re-shape how I view the challenges I face being a woman in a male-dominated career.
As I am now raising my own daughter, I want to help shape her beliefs about herself. I want her generation of women to have a different way of walking through the misogyny in our culture. It’s empowering to change the way I interact with misogynistic behavior. Not only does it set me (and other women) up for future success, but it is something I can look back on and say I did my part and have no regrets.
- A.D.
Before hiring Meredith, I was sad and literally despondent. I felt like no one was in my corner and that doom was around the corner.
I'd say this program was one of the most important things I've ever done in my life. I'm so grateful that I was able to take part in this program. If you're facing a difficult situation and you feel like there is no way up, you can't afford not to take the course. It's an investment in yourself.
I know this program isn't meant to replace any existing therapies, but for me it was more helpful than any therapist, friend, partner, family member etc. EVER for improving my outlook on life.
- Chemist

Personality Interpretation (Career/Entrepreneur)
This is a comprehensive introduction to who you are and what makes you unique in terms of your talents, skills, and interests in what you create and how you show up in your career.
Included in this introductory package are the following personality tests and analyses (your personality labs):
Kolbe Schedule A ($55 value for test)
Astrological Natal Chart (tropical zodiac, whole-sign house) (requires your birth date, time, and place)
Human Design Natal Chart (requires your birth date, time, and place)
Clifton Strengths Top 5 ($24.99 value for test)
Enneagram RHETI ($20 value for test)
Wealth Dynamics Assessment ($97 value for test)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Optional (not-included):
Fascination Advantage
Attachment Style
Email or call 458-221-2671 with any questions about Genius Team Building.
Prior to my personality interpretation (formerly the Genius program), despite no longer experiencing daily mistreatment and workplace discrimination, I found myself osculating between feeling nothing and being overwhelmed with anxiety. I had decided to make myself small in order to move forward. The personality interpretation helped me see myself so that I can maximize how I show up in the world. Discussions helped me decide to leave a position that was making me miserable. Life is too short to suffer through professional experiences 'just because.'
- C.J.
"Before joining the program I was in a rut--some might even call it a ditch. I was discouraged, let down, and couldn't see a way out of the emotional and financial place I was in.
"Because of this lapse in work I stopped believing in myself. I couldn't see a way out of the rut I was in but I also started to tie my personal value to my inability to find employment. I started to believe the lie the universe/society seemed to be telling me: that I wasn't fit for work.
"I'm now almost done with my first year of law school. I have the ability to overcome daily challenges and to keep myself focus on the 'bigger picture' that we worked towards through the program."
- L.H.
Workplace Investigation
Sometimes, investigations may be necessary in a workplace conflict situation.
Oregon law requires investigations to be conducted by licensed investigators. Our office works with licensed investigators to include legally sufficient investigations where necessary to resolve work environment problems.
Our office only handles workplace investigations if they are part of larger work environment solutions. Where reports and complaints are present, systemic solutions can restore the workplace to a thriving place with or without investigation.
Email or call 458-221-2671 with any questions about workplace investigations.

Anti-Bias Statement
We are an anti-harassment anti-discrimination organization. This means we don’t pretend we always will say the right thing or do the right thing (or that our clients will either), but we are committed to looking for and correcting our own disrespect or bias. We are committed to kindness, respect, and focusing on service to our clients. Our mission is to end oppression.