Are Things Bad Enough At Work To Leave?
Many of our clients come to us worried that "things might not be bad enough" YET at work to invest in getting help. What happens when we...

Reporting COVID Violations
Do you want to create safety for yourself and your fellow employees? Michael Fuller, the Underdog Lawyer and I sat down to discuss how to...

Dealing with Dangerous People
Many of our clients have come to us lately with concerns around dealing with a person they believe might be dangerous. They say, "Am I...

What To Do If Someone You Know Is Stuck In A Toxic Work Environment
Do you know someone who is always complaining about their job? Who is stuck in a place that doesn't appreciate them or let them move...

Leading with Integrity
In most states in the United States, employment is “at will,” meaning that an employee can be fired for any reason, unless the reason is...

Your Own Best Advocate... Is You
“So, should I bring a case?” I hear you ask. As with all things in the law, the answer is “It depends.” (Now you know the secret to why...

How to Stop Offensive Behavior
For inclusive leaders in the workplace, shifting power dynamics can be difficult in a different way. Hestia described that when she...

The Importance of Having a Confidential Reporting System in Place
“It took a lot of courage for me to come forward and to work with a therapist to get where I am today. I’m not sure I would have ever...

Identifying Allies, Building Support, and Reclaiming Power
After you assess your situation and identify unacceptable behavior, the next thing to do is to identify the allies around you that will...

3 Steps to Creating Healthy Workplace Culture
Diversity of identities and perspectives is good for problem solving, for reaching new audiences, good for business, and is essential in...