Is This Trauma at Work? . . .
I want to tell you a little about Rebecca G. You will love her. But first . . . (this is relevant, stay with me!) Have you ever had...

How Do You Find Your Purpose?
Choosing your own purpose and going for it is the best form of resistance and revolution possible. You taking up space in the world for...

Thoughts, Feelings, Action
Most of us want to feel good all the time. That makes sense – it sucks to feel fear, loneliness, shame, or grief. But, we run into...

Your Personal Career Defense Toolkit
Talking about your experience and being open to other perspectives is the most important way to make change. Be open to other people...

Identifying Allies, Building Support, and Reclaiming Power
After you assess your situation and identify unacceptable behavior, the next thing to do is to identify the allies around you that will...

You Are Here*: Labeling the Problem In Your Workplace Culture
I remember that when the harassment I was experiencing was at its most extreme, I lost all ability to even appreciate a warm house on a...

What the Evolution of Hygiene Can Teach Us About Harassment
“You shouldn’t tell that story to people. It makes you sound weak,” a guy I knew in law school said. I had just told him how, when I...

The Smart Girl Struggle: Being Smart Often Makes It Harder For Women To Stop Sexual Harassment
Joan recently defended her thesis and became a full professor. She told me she is an exceptional math teacher, and she has gotten rave...

The Tough Girl Trap
Julie was raised to be a tough girl. She could run a forklift better than any man in her workplace. She knew how to hunt, fish, and...