Being Raised in a Cult and Becoming a Feminist
I am sometimes reluctant to tell clients about my background because when any of us compare our experiences, we jump right into saying,...

Career Defense Strategies to Help You Thrive
When we first experience something offensive that starts to interfere with our careers, it is often hard for us to even wrap our brains...

Announcing the new business name! Eris Conflict Resolution
Yes folks, in the midst of Mercury in Retrograde, I decided to rebrand my business. Hilarious. Freedom Resource Center has been a great...

Do you ever feel uncomfortable calling something sexism?
I had the privilege of talking with Kara Loewentheil, JD, MCC, and founder of UnF*ck Your Brain: The feminist blueprint for creating...

Be A Troublemaker
Last week, I went to a lunch and saw someone who thinks I called him out as being sexist. We were in line for food at the same time, and...

You're not making too big a deal of this.
One of the most common reactions I see women have to a harassing experience is just silent shock. Our bodies often freeze up, and...

Is "Bro-Culture" Inherently Sexist?
A woman sued Google last week, saying that she experienced sexual harassment in Google’s “bro-culture.” I won’t go into what she alleges...