Leading with Integrity
In most states in the United States, employment is “at will,” meaning that an employee can be fired for any reason, unless the reason is...

The Discomfort of Action
When I was in high school, I was part of a mega church in the tiny town of Applegate, Oregon. It actually wasn’t even in Applegate –...

How Leadership Affects Long-Term Efficiency
When you hire someone to do a job for you, you probably just want that person to do their job so that you don’t have to worry about doing...

You Are Here*: Labeling the Problem In Your Workplace Culture
I remember that when the harassment I was experiencing was at its most extreme, I lost all ability to even appreciate a warm house on a...

How to LEAD in a conflict situation
Last week, I talked to you about the magic PIL for handling conflict with toxic people. PIL stands for Pause, Inquire, LEAD. This week, I...

This is the magic PIL for handling conflict with toxic people
We’re always looking for the magic pill to solve all of our problems, right? Well, I decided to be dorky and offer you an acronym that...