Thoughts, Feelings, Action
Most of us want to feel good all the time. That makes sense – it sucks to feel fear, loneliness, shame, or grief. But, we run into...

Listening with Curiosity
Once you have created a Cultural Health survey to help diagnose possible areas for improvement within your company, the second step is to...

Career Defense Strategies to Help You Thrive
When we first experience something offensive that starts to interfere with our careers, it is often hard for us to even wrap our brains...

Why you deserve to be happy.
Happiness is just a feeling. It is a vibration in our bodies. Happiness is created by our thoughts. That means you have control over...

Are you caught in a cycle?
Not to get too Lion King on you, but life happens in cycles. We are born, we live, we die. Winter turns to spring, turns to summer, turns...

When they ask, "Have you thought about leaving?" (5 actionable steps to creating safety)
I have a dear friend who was in crisis last week. I went with her to try to get help in a mental health evaluation from the emergency...

Boundaries 101
When we are tolerating behavior we don't like, it can be because there is a boundary problem. More often it is because we are hooking our...