Diagnosis: Creating and Administering a Cultural Health Survey
The first step toward a healthy workplace culture is diagnosis, which can be done by conducting a Cultural Health Survey. I am not going...

How Leadership Affects Long-Term Efficiency
When you hire someone to do a job for you, you probably just want that person to do their job so that you don’t have to worry about doing...

You Are Here*: Labeling the Problem In Your Workplace Culture
I remember that when the harassment I was experiencing was at its most extreme, I lost all ability to even appreciate a warm house on a...

3 Steps to Creating Healthy Workplace Culture
Diversity of identities and perspectives is good for problem solving, for reaching new audiences, good for business, and is essential in...

The Inclusive Leader: Honoring Perspectives and Owning Biases
When I am at speaking events, I often get questions like, “What about people who are just misunderstanding and unreasonably interpreting...

Sexual Harassment and the Law
Let's dive into Strategy 1: Law. Whether or not you are asking in the back of your mind, “Do I have a legal case?” it will help you to...

Opportunity, Inclusion, and Growth
Many employers believe they are working toward solving discrimination by simply hiring a “diverse” workforce, and that is a great first...

What the Evolution of Hygiene Can Teach Us About Harassment
“You shouldn’t tell that story to people. It makes you sound weak,” a guy I knew in law school said. I had just told him how, when I...

Fostering a Healthy Workplace Culture
When I listened to Rhea’s voicemail message, I could hear the panic in her voice. She said that she had made an appointment for later...

Do you ever feel uncomfortable calling something sexism?
I had the privilege of talking with Kara Loewentheil, JD, MCC, and founder of UnF*ck Your Brain: The feminist blueprint for creating...