Real, Long-Term Solutions for Healthy Workplace Culture
Investigations are often not necessary in response to harassment and discrimination allegations. But the way you know if they are...
One Powerful Thing We Can Do to Increase Safety and Health
When I ask employees why they want to report harassment or pursue lawsuits against their employers for discrimination, the most common...
Listening with Curiosity
Once you have created a Cultural Health survey to help diagnose possible areas for improvement within your company, the second step is to...
Diagnosis: Creating and Administering a Cultural Health Survey
The first step toward a healthy workplace culture is diagnosis, which can be done by conducting a Cultural Health Survey. I am not going...
How Leadership Affects Long-Term Efficiency
When you hire someone to do a job for you, you probably just want that person to do their job so that you don’t have to worry about doing...
3 Steps to Creating Healthy Workplace Culture
Diversity of identities and perspectives is good for problem solving, for reaching new audiences, good for business, and is essential in...
The Inclusive Leader: Honoring Perspectives and Owning Biases
When I am at speaking events, I often get questions like, “What about people who are just misunderstanding and unreasonably interpreting...
Opportunity, Inclusion, and Growth
Many employers believe they are working toward solving discrimination by simply hiring a “diverse” workforce, and that is a great first...
Pulling the "Push Only" Door
“The only other advice I have is that things are really sexist, and we just have to deal with it.” Early in my legal career, this was...
The "Good" Business Blind Spot
It might surprise you to hear that owners of “good” businesses have more hurdles to creating a healthy company culture than owners of...