Elder Care Home Retaliated Against Nurse. Here's What She Did...
Anita Anderson was a licensed practical nurse caring for elderly and vulnerable patients at Valley West Health Care Center in 2019. She...

Are you caught in a cycle?
Not to get too Lion King on you, but life happens in cycles. We are born, we live, we die. Winter turns to spring, turns to summer, turns...

Five concrete tips for helping someone you love overcome abuse
It is its own painful process to watch someone you care about experience and submit to abusive and controlling behavior. Sometimes, we...

Why he has power over you (it's not what you think)
When we are living in fear of abuse, when we are controlled and threatened by someone else, we usually think it is happening because of...

How to know if you are in an abusive relationship.
Good question! What do you need to do to find out if your relationship is abusive or controlling? Do you ask your mom or your friends? Do...