Do You Need to Investigate an Employee's Complaint?
Many employees come to us after HR has done an investigation. Regardless of how the investigation went, regardless of whether they were...

What Warrants an Investigation?
“Then he asked me if I wanted to ‘pursue a formal investigation,’” Maia told me about her conversation with an administrator where she...

One Powerful Thing We Can Do to Increase Safety and Health
When I ask employees why they want to report harassment or pursue lawsuits against their employers for discrimination, the most common...

The Importance of Having a Confidential Reporting System in Place
“It took a lot of courage for me to come forward and to work with a therapist to get where I am today. I’m not sure I would have ever...

3 Steps to Creating Healthy Workplace Culture
Diversity of identities and perspectives is good for problem solving, for reaching new audiences, good for business, and is essential in...