Conflict is optional
Do you know someone who experiences road rage? It is my favorite example of conflict. My mom used to experience road rage, and I remember...

The Smart Girl Struggle: Being Smart Often Makes It Harder For Women To Stop Sexual Harassment
Joan recently defended her thesis and became a full professor. She told me she is an exceptional math teacher, and she has gotten rave...

The Tough Girl Trap
Julie was raised to be a tough girl. She could run a forklift better than any man in her workplace. She knew how to hunt, fish, and...

3 Tips to Clean Up a Toxic Work Environment and End Sexual Harassment Now (Badassery Magazine)
I was featured in Badassery Magazine this week! Get the 3 Tips to Clean Up a Toxic Work Environment and End Sexual Harassment Now by...

3 Tips for Talking to Your Son About Sexual Harassment (The Good Men Project)
I was featured this week on The Good Men Project! Get the 3 Tips for Talking to Your Son About Sexual Harassment here.

Do you ever feel uncomfortable calling something sexism?
I had the privilege of talking with Kara Loewentheil, JD, MCC, and founder of UnF*ck Your Brain: The feminist blueprint for creating...

This one thing can clean up conflict with a toxic person at work
Think about that one person who just always pushes your buttons at work. You know who I’m talking about? Many people love the work they...

How to LEAD in a conflict situation
Last week, I talked to you about the magic PIL for handling conflict with toxic people. PIL stands for Pause, Inquire, LEAD. This week, I...

This is the magic PIL for handling conflict with toxic people
We’re always looking for the magic pill to solve all of our problems, right? Well, I decided to be dorky and offer you an acronym that...

Talk to a lawyer before you quit
TALK TO A LAWYER BEFORE YOU QUIT!! Many people believe that quitting their jobs voluntarily is better than being fired, but that’s not...