Real, Long-Term Solutions for Healthy Workplace Culture
Investigations are often not necessary in response to harassment and discrimination allegations. But the way you know if they are...

When Leaving is the Right Answer
Leaving is the right answer when it is the best answer for you to take yourself to the next level of who you were meant to become. Don’t...

Take Care of Yourself Without Rewarding Bad Behavior
I was consulting with a lawyer whose supervising attorney was being a tyrant to her because she was a woman. It was one of those...

What Warrants an Investigation?
“Then he asked me if I wanted to ‘pursue a formal investigation,’” Maia told me about her conversation with an administrator where she...

One Powerful Thing We Can Do to Increase Safety and Health
When I ask employees why they want to report harassment or pursue lawsuits against their employers for discrimination, the most common...

The Discomfort of Action
When I was in high school, I was part of a mega church in the tiny town of Applegate, Oregon. It actually wasn’t even in Applegate –...

Create the Results You Want: It All Starts Here
There are many supports for managing your thinking. Meditation is one – just sitting and drawing your thought back to one neutral thing...